Hartford Public Library (HPL) will be hosting virtual School Choice Information Sessions on Wednesday, September 16 and Tuesday, September 29.
Representatives from the School Choice program will be on hand to answer questions about enrollment for the 2021-22 school year.
Both sessions will take place from 4:30 to 5:30 pm. To register for the event, e-mail schoolchoiceoffice@hplct.org, visit https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcvd-yhrTgrE9H9i-qDzQ_qhBLsfxjozJjx, or call 860-306-9757 or 860-969-9148.
Participants will be eligible to enter a raffle to win backpacks filled with school supplies and family pizza dinner certificates.
“Parents should attend because it will give them all the information they need to make decisions about the upcoming school year and to learn what they need for the current school year,” said Rajranie Busgith, school choice coordinator.
The process of signing up for schools can be a nuanced one, Busgith said. She encourages parents to explore what school will work best for their child. Once they select a school, school choice coordinators can help them negotiate the application, response and registration processes.
“There is a lot that goes into making the decision,” said Busgith.
Information will be presented on:
- What the school choices are
- Who is eligible to apply
- How families can explore, apply and respond when it comes to school choice
- Where and when families can apply
- Zones and transportation
- The distinctions between Hartford and non-Hartford residents.
The event will conclude with a question and answer period.
For more information about school choice visit HPL’s information page at https://www.hplct.org/library-services/parents/school-choice-assistance or the Regional School Choice Office website at ChoiceEducation.org.